The Italian Porphyry Consortium of Trentino, is the lead to give maximum support for creating, developing and field improving of the Mapestone Joint sealant. This is a sealing polyurethane resin for porphyry flooring and all kinds of stones subjected to compaction grouting.
Currently is very appreciated with diced cubes or mid-range stone elements (es. 6/8 o 10 x 10).
Aestethic outcome is excellent, since flooring, draining and elastic (test UNI EN 12697-40), appears to be filled and sealed with simple sand, as tradition would suggests.
Mapestone Joint is based on high safety directive both for operators during provision and for anyone involved in the construction site, and also for those dedicated to product handling and carriage, with any veichle and towards any destination.
The product is not flammable and solvent free (es. acetone) thus exempt from inhalation hazards.
Mapestone Joint allows to improve and enhance performing capability of stone flooring subjected to thermal stress and heavy road traffic (es: classi P8 e P9 norma UNI 11714-1:2018). Moreover increases the lifetime and garantees flooring fundamental durability requirement, as expressly requested by technical standards.
Characteristic and qualitative aspects of Mapestone Joint are described below:
Reopening timing contained within 24 - 48 hours with normal weather conditions.
Flooring seems draining (as covered by UNI EN 12697 - 40). At once is elastic and deicing salts, acid and sea spray resistant.
It is not subject to formation of grasses or mosses.
Resists the action of street sweeper appropriate to the lithotype.
It's noise-absorbing and does not need expansion joints.
Has no surface cracks typical on grout sealing floors with cement R 32,5.